Envy & Emptiness: The Psychodynamics of Eating Disorders & Cosmetic Surgery, An Online Study & Consultation Group

Envy is thin because it bites but never eats.

Spanish Proverb

instagram envy.png

There is so much to understand and learn about the psychodynamics of eating disorders, body modification & cosmetic surgery, especially through the process of study and case consultation. I will be leading an online continuous study group beginning Thursday, May 16, 2019, at 1:00 pm (pst) for one hour. The format will include readings and case consultation and discussion. To register either per month or on a drop in basis, please contact me directly. One iaedp group supervision hour is provided for each group.


Envy & Emptiness: An Online Consultation Focusing on Eating Disorders & Cosmetic Surgery


Cultivating The Healer's Experience Through Creativity & Countertransference: An 8 Week Online Consultation & Study Group